
Question Bank For exam preparation


DAILY GK - 01/10/18 - By www.keralaspcgk.in
1. Coconut water contains which plant hormone - Cytokinin
2.Who was the first British high commissioner of independent India - V.K.Krishna menon
3.Which european country is known as land of thousand lakes - Finland
4.Which chemical is known as ' Fool's gold ' - Iron pyritis
5.What is the colour of Ammonium chloride - white
6.What is the main component of teeth and bones - calcium phosphate
7.Who abolished privy purse system - Indira Gandhi
8.Raja chellaih committee report related to which matter - Tax reforms
9.Which is the first ISO certified police station in Kerala - Kozhikode
10.Where is Raman science centre planetorium  situated - Nagpur
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